Monday, 27 November 2017

Fastest way to Crack WPA password

Do you think Hacking WPA password is not possible because it uses wordlist or brute force attack then
Let me tell you that you are wrong.You can’t hack a WPA  within 2-4 hours but you can crack it (if your victim use a numerical and which is made of 8 digits then It can be cracked within 11 hours from one Computer).
Hacking is not magic it is an art.
ok, No more words.
Note:I’m assuming that you know how to capture WPA handshake ( if you don’t know how to capture WPA handshake then this article is useless for  you
After you capture wpa handshake you can understand what is this post all about.

Method to crack wpa  password Fast

Using Hashcat

Hashcat is faster than aircrack-ng. In this you need to convert your cap file to hccapx using the official hashcat website then you can start cracking process. The main benefit of using hashcat you can start password cracking again from where you left not from beginning.
How to use it:
  • First of visit this is official website hashcat it will convert your cap file to hccapx which is supported format to use in hashcat.hashcat website
  • Upload your file and click on convert it will convert cap to hccapx within seconds save it where you want I am going to save it in /root/ directory.
uploading file to hashcat websiteopen terminal and navigate to that direcotry using cd command if required but in case it isn’t.Type the following command
hashcat -m 2500 -a 3 opentechinfo.hccapx ?d?d?d?d?d?d
hashcat: it will launch hashcat (LOL)
-m 2500: m 2500 mean I want to crack wpa password
-a 3: a stand for attacking mode and 3 mean I want to apply brute force attack
?: stand for vairable
d: tells the machine only digital
?d tells brute force attack with length of 8 numbers
If you know some character of password then you can include these in the password e.x. I know  that starting numberic character is  1 SO
1?d?d?d?d?d?d?d I have type ?d only for 7 times because first chrackter is 1 other will be brute forced by hashcat
Here is syntext for other characters.
As you can see for using lower alphabatic  Use ?l which lenngth should be equal to password ( your have to guess it  generally password length is 8)
Note: you can Use dictionary file  too. Just replace ?d..?d with your dictionary file  e.x.
hashcat -m 2500 -a 3 opentechinfo.hccapx password.txt
Pressing Enter will show something like this
Screenshot of hashcat start the cracking process
Press s enter to see the updated status or pass –status argument when you start this process. To stop this press q and To start process from where you left type this command.
hashcat –restore
It will start your process from where  you left.
One thing that I like about hashcat it show you time to complete the attack.

Using oclhashcat

This is an advanced version of hashcat and fastest brute force attacking tool in the world. It is based upon GPU mean it needs graphic card. If you have nivida  or amd graphic card then you can use it. (Pre-installed in hacking OS). you Can install it in windows too. Just replace hashcat with oclhashcat other syntax is same.

By multiple Machine

If you have more than one Pc then you can start cracking process using all computers. you can use your friend computer. Don’t forget to apply different password syntex for another computer.Multiple computer to crack password

With the Help of online websites

While search I have found that On the internet some website can help you to crack hashcat by paying somemoney if they crack password. You can pay some extra money if you want to make your cracking process fast. Website That crack wpa hash.
I hope you have learned something new about cracking WPA password. In case of any problem or question feel free to ask me  I’ m here  to help you

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